‘The Trinity’ Available Now


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The Irish-American (Sticker)


Premium hand-crafted scally caps.  Quality fabrics, quality service.

The Irish-American (Sticker)

The Irish-American (Sticker)


The Winged Fist symbolizes the true American spirit. The prestigious New York Athletic Club (NYAC) didn’t welcome working class Irish-Americans so they built their own facility called the Irish-American Athletic club in Queens. Many of the members who trained and medaled for the United States were members of the NYPD. However, the greater legacy of the club is that even though the Irish were discriminated against, they opened their own doors to all ethnic groups. As a result, the clubs members included the first African-American and Jewish-American medalist for the USA. This story defines what it means to be an American.


  • 4” x 2.26” die cut sticker

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